Breathing Tools

Cecile Tellier
3 min readJul 6, 2024
A graphic reads Just breathe with a figure 8 breathing chart and a slowly expanding and shrinking circle meant to pace inhale/exhales.
CanvaPro created by Cecile Tellier

I previously wrote about Spoon theory and the impacts Cortisol can have on energy. Today I want to talk about another way I use to replenish and lessen my Cortisol. I want to start by saying I am by no means an expert in the field and while I’m a certified mindfulness life coach, I still struggle with stress and anger reduction.

The graphic I’ve created above is not just meant to be pretty. I have found the figure eight (or lazy eight depending on whom you ask) model to be the most effective when using breathwork to calm. The pacing of the inflating circle I used is also helpful to ensure we are -slowly- using this and not hyperventilating. In time with the circle you start inhaling from the middle, turn the curve, and then exhale until you are back in the middle. It’s an infinite loop of breathing that you can use for as little or as long as you’d like.

Another technique that is used in schools is to trace a figure eight while doing the breathing, for improved focus.

Dr. Nicole Gurash, Psy.D., LMFT, BCBA wrote in her blog that the benefits of using this technique include:

  • Reduce stress and alleviate the symptoms of anxiety.
  • Help stop and reduce the amount of time in a panic or anxiety attack.
  • Calm the nervous system.
  • Relieve pain.



Cecile Tellier

Cecile is a an author of romance/smut who has a thing for spicy stories.